How to Find a Designer For Startup

Technology design becomes vital for businesses and brands as the world gets more digital. This vitality is especially true for startups, as developing the company’s distinct identity and nailing the style early on is critical to surviving in a crowded sector.To achieve your company goals as a startup, you must hire the appropriate people for ethical responsibilities. The stakes can feel even higher when it comes to choosing a designer. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered when it comes to choosing a designer for a company. This post will explain how to get a designer, why it is necessary, etc.

Types of Designer Specialization For The Project

A designer creates an object’s structure, format, or looks. A designer is imaginative and has a knack for creating one-of-a-kind items such as pictures, graphics, games, interfaces, themes, templates, locations, products, services, and experiences.

There are various types of designers depending on what they produce. Here, we’ll look at hiring a designer in the technology field. There are different types of designers within that specialism, such as:

  • Graphics Designer: A graphic designer generates visuals, images, and other visually appealing materials to communicate a message. A graphics designer develops logos or digital photographs using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and similar applications. Logos, brochures, pamphlets, business cards, invites, packaging, and other items are among the services provided by a graphic designer. Colors, images, forms, and expressions produce appealing graphic designs in diverse backgrounds.
  • Web Designer: A web designer, often known as an interactive designer, builds accessible web interfaces and sites. A web designer employs code and programming techniques to carry out his job. They are the right person for you if you need a blog template, a simple web page, an entire website, or a mobile app design for your firm.
  • User Experience (UX) Designer: A user experience (UX) designer enhances the design and usability of the interaction between the user and the product to provide better user experiences. UX designers concentrate on a user’s interaction with products, services, or surroundings, whether digital (think applications and websites and physical. They make people’s lives better by spotting problems and imaging solutions.
  • User Interface(UI) Designer: A user interface (UI) designer builds the user interfaces for mobile apps and other technologies. The user interface describes how users interact with an application’s attributes and capabilities. User interface (UI) designers map up what an interface will look like based on the findings of user experience and interaction designers. User interface designers strategize and develop ways to enhance the test experience.

You can find out about the trends of 2022 in UI / UX design in our article: “UI/UX Design for Mobile App Development: Trends of 2022”

  • Industrial Product Designer: A product designer is significantly unique from the others we’ve discussed, yet they all share one trait: creativity. Industrial designers, also known as product designers, are in charge of producing designs for various physical objects such as consumer electronics, automobiles, and other similar items while keeping the purpose and form of the products in mind.

The regions of overlap in design make it a unique discipline. So, when it comes to finding the ideal designer for you, consider their strengths, hobbies, and the types of challenges you want them to solve. Please consult with the department heads working closely with the new hire to determine what they require.

Why Hire a Designer?

Every project you work on requires a design process. Your app’s design can make or ruin it. Yes, you have the concept, but putting it into action is a significant undertaking. It’s not the concept that counts; it’s the execution, and design accounts for half of all performance.

A good designer can save you time, boost your customer’s perception of you, and potentially increase your revenue. Hiring a designer is a wise investment, even if your company is just getting started.

The following are five crucial reasons why design is required:

1. It establishes detailed directions

When you show your customer how the design process works, you can work together to set realistic project deliverables and timeframes. Your client will know what to anticipate from you and when to expect it, reducing the likelihood of future miscommunication.

2. It makes customers feel at ease

Many clients, have a poor understanding of what it takes to turn a good idea into a fantastic final product.You can present to your customers precisely where their funding is going during the design phase of their development if you use a clear and concise design methodology.

3. It Lowers the Chances of Failure

Every component of a product’s design must be considered, and a successful design process takes this into account. Sure, you may make a great-looking product just through visual design, but if you don’t think about usability or do research, your product is more likely to fail.

hire designers

4. It is cost-effective and time-saving

Getting a designer is cost-effective in two ways: First, they’ll keep you from wasting money and resources on design assets that don’t work for your company. Second, good designers will create assets that generate a higher return on investment based on the time they put into them. Wasting your time creating marketing assets that don’t work wastes your money.

5. Brings fresh, creative thoughts to the table

Even non-designers who are creative sometimes find it challenging to develop new design ideas on a brand. On the other hand, great designers are always on the hunt for new ideas to integrate and adapt into designs that will help you grow your business.

When it comes to determining the ideal method to convey a new product or appeal to a new market, a designer will already have a good idea.

How to Hire a Designer

Designers are crucial to the success of many businesses. They direct potential buyers to relevant information, assist users in getting the most out of the product, and bring the brand to life. But how do you go about finding one?

You can be more particular about the profile you’re looking for in your first design employee by following the steps outlined below.

1. Know what type of designer you need

The title “designer” is a broad phrase that encompasses a variety of specializations. The first step in hiring a designer is determining what type of expert is needed. When it comes to getting your product to market or into the hands of customers, you have a lot of design requirements. You’ll need someone with a wide range of skills.

2. Lookout more for experience rather than education

When hiring, it is common to look for experienced applicants with a solid educational background. When employing a designer, though, try to loosen degree requirements. There is a tip – look for designers with at least four years of experience in this field. Instead of looking at what they studied in college, you should look at their previous jobs when evaluating applicants.

3. Review previous work and talk about your brand

While prior experience is essential, what you can learn from a candidate’s portfolio is more. Examining their previous work allows you to gauge their skill level and get a sense of the projects they’ve completed. Discuss how they can contribute to the image of your organization.

4. Have a diverse hiring team

Depending on the specific design function he was hired for, your potential recruit will most likely collaborate with other web developers, marketing, and product employees. The heads of these departments should be involved in the interview process to find a designer who can meet everyone’s requirements.

Questions to help you understand if your startup needs a designer

Knowing when to engage a designer for your business is crucial. To compete in your field, you’ll need a designer. In any concept, there is always room for designers. Understanding when to hire a designer, on the other hand, might be difficult.

So, before you begin looking for a designer, consider the following questions:

1. Why are we hiring for this role?

The importance of bringing on a new employee cannot be overstated. New designers provide fresh energy, new ideas, and innovative problem-solving. Different viewpoints may make all the difference when it comes to your designs.

But why are you looking to fill this position? You should determine whether or not this is a critical issue because you know your own business better than anybody else.

2. Is design a blocker?

If you’re having trouble getting your product to market due to a lack of design knowledge, you should locate a design partner as soon as possible. This agreement might take several shapes depending on your current and long-term needs. Suppose you can get clients or establish a key technology without a designer. In that case, you might be able to postpone hiring your first designer until you reach other crucial milestones where needed.

3. How urgently do we need to hire for this role

Do you require a designer right now, or just to maintain the hiring policy? If you take your time determining whether or not you need them, you might as well forget about hiring them. The more time you have to spend looking for the perfect applicant, the more options you’ll have. Think it through and take your time.

find a designer

4. What skills are we looking for?

Designers come in various forms and capacities; some are simple, and others with a diverse portfolio. Make a list of all the abilities you’ll require. After they’ve been employed, what do they need to be able to perform? Consider the circumstances your team will face in the real world and search for someone who has the necessary skills.

5. What challenges are we facing that could benefit from hiring this person?

These problems can be distinct, one-of-a-kind difficulties you can develop elaborate efforts, or they might be completely generic. In any case, having it well-framed will help a potential employee to get a glimpse of what life at your organization may be like after they join and determine whether or not this job would challenge them at this time in their career.

6. What is our budget for this role?

As remote employment becomes more widespread, ultimately, it comes down to who you can afford at the time. The amount of flexibility space you have to choose, the skill level, knowledge, and seniority of possible hiring is directly proportional to how much you’re willing to pay for this job. This is self-evident, but it helps set expectations early on while streamlining and speeding up the hiring process.

Steps to find a designer

Designers are one of the most important actors in determining how goods appear, feel, and perform. Finding a designer is now essential to launching and maintaining a business. Finding a designer entails the following steps:

Step 1: Specify your requirements

A user experience/interface designer is needed if you need a professional to design software for you. When you include the term “UX” in a job description, you’re seeking someone who knows a lot about user research and user experience, not just how to make aesthetically pleasing interface displays. To put it another way, someone who will create the user interface for an app. It’s not only a matter of appearances.

Step 2: Make a mood board.

Your designer will want to know what you like. Make a storyboard with a collection of styles you enjoy, as well as connections to relevant apps or websites. Also, before you hire a designer, look at their portfolio to see whether their aesthetic is similar to yours.

Step 3: Request a portfolio from applicants

You get a better, skeleton image of a possible applicant when you look over a resume. However, by asking a portfolio, you attempt to judge how the candidate will fit and progress in this new capacity based on previous work. This is not a criticism; instead, it is a way of acquiring information better to comprehend their experience, knowledge, and talents, as stated on their resume.

Step 4: Make a video interview appointment.

You must easily communicate with your designer, and there is no more excellent way of testing this than to conduct a video interview if you hire a remote worker. Look at little things once again. Is it true that they arrived promptly? Do they appear to have just awoken, or do you get the impression that they’ve been expecting you? How would you describe their tone? Is it pleasant to converse with this individual?

Step 5: Ask specific questions.

It would be beneficial if you asked your prospective recruit to define the function of a UX designer from their viewpoint. Too many designers are oblivious to the distinction between UI and UX. You’ll need someone to do user research on your behalf and design the best possible experience for the users they’ve identified.

find designers for startups

Where to find designers

Good design aids in the creation of lasting initial impressions. It sets you apart from the crowd, increases awareness, and allows you to handle challenges in novel ways. It also allows you to capture the market and target audience. So, if you’ve decided to employ a designer for your company, the next step is to figure out where to get one.

You have a few options when it comes to employing designers. You can engage a designer in-house or hire a freelancer or an agency to handle your assignments.

1. In-house designers

Once you hire designers in-house, you can be assured that they are committed to your brand and are constantly available to you. They’ll also have a greater understanding of your brand’s beliefs and culture, which they’ll translate into relevant and authentic images.

2. Recruiting agencies

External organizations that identify acceptable individuals for employers are known as recruitment agencies. Employers just give over the task to them to save time and money for the firm. You may always hire a designer from a hiring agency and be confident that you’ll receive the most outstanding value and candidate on the market, giving you an advantage straight away.

3. Freelance platforms

Another tried and authentic way to get a capable designer for your company is through freelance marketplaces. Freelancers may help your company in a variety of ways. Freelancers are frequently compensated on a project-by-project basis. As a result, if you’re working on a short-term project, this could be a better choice. Furthermore, their specialization in a specific design discipline is almost unavoidable.

There are various websites devoted just to freelancers. They include the following:

  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Toptal
  • 99designs

Characteristics of a good designer

We can only speculate on the number of skill sets available. First and foremost, two broad categories may be helpful to designers and remain an excellent place to begin. Soft talents and hard skills are two different abilities that must develop to the same degree.

1. Hard Skills

Hard skills refer to your ability to function as a current designer in software knowledge, tools, and technical understanding. Anything that effectively adds to the trade of digital design is considered a complex skill set.

Such hard skills may include:

  • Design theory: This is the foundation on which we must build our design expertise. It includes design ideas, customs, patterns, various theoretical understandings, techniques, investigations, and even perceptual psychology.
  • Paper sketches: Sketching rapid ideas, drawing and planning interactions, use cases, and user stories may benefit from this expertise. It’s helpful to have it as a secondary skill on occasion.
  • Visual communication: When designers build a project, it affects the people that see it. Knowing how to utilize pictures, typeface, and other technologies to make the viewer understand the narrative is a critical competence in a designer’s skill set.
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2. Soft Skills

You may work and perform well as an industrial designer with just hard talents, but becoming a true professional requires more. Soft talents are attributes that are not assessed yet necessary for a well-rounded individual. Some soft skills may be learned over time, while others need deliberate effort.

The appropriate soft skills are:

  • Communicating Design to Non-Designers: Communicating your thought process to the team is vital for being a designer. Because this group may include people who aren’t designers, you must communicate your ideas clearly and succinctly. Designers should not presume that their clients are knowledgeable about the subject. It takes particular expertise to explain complicated concepts to non-designers, yet it is one of the most critical aspects of the work.
  • Positive thinking: This is a must-have item for any designer. It’s essential to see the bright part of situations. And, of course, learn from your errors rather than repeating them. This will assist you in identifying a positive aspect of a scenario.
  • Self-organization: This ability is constantly in demand. When you’re a solopreneur or even an entrepreneur, it’s vital. You must arrange yourself, develop plans, set meetings, and so on.

A designer should also consider developing traits such as:

  • Observation: Great designers are curious, and at first glance, they notice, remark, and record what others miss. You can glimpse the golden germ of the grand design if you discover flaws in a product, an underserved market, a new niche or opportunity offered by new technology, or through repurposing.
  • Listening: Designers are people who pay attention. Brilliant designers will listen to what others desire and guarantee that a product gives just what customers want and pay for.
  • Context: Great designers are aware of their surroundings. Context gives a designer the ability to make sense of things. Details in context help a designer determine whether or not something is relevant.

Tips for finding a designer for your startup

Hiring a graphic designer might be frightening if you don’t know much about the design profession, but selecting the perfect applicant isn’t only a matter of ability.

Here are five suggestions to assist you in finding the finest designer for your startup:

1. Look for designers in other outlets who feel you want.

2. Instead of short-term initiatives, consider long-term personnel. This will quickly broaden your search beyond freelancer-focused websites.

3. Look for design students on Twitter, and if they have links to their websites or portfolios, go check them out.

4. Allow designers who are still in school to work with you. Allow them to work and attend school at the same time.

5. Contact the job center personnel at local schools and institutions that offer art and design degrees.


Many basic positions needed to be filled in the early days. You can validate your ideas faster and better focus your time if you invest in design early. The difficulty is finding the appropriate person with the necessary talents for your company.

You may reduce your parameters and prepare for your search by identifying your difficulties ahead of time. You’ll be best prepared if you can be more precise about “why” the demand for a designer.


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