How to create a User Journey

The terms “User flow” and “User journey” are often used interchangeably, but that is not the case. They may sound similar but both of these tools concentrate on the different aspects of product design. They essentially provide the user’s point of view when it comes to their interactions with a product, we’ll understand the differences between the two in this article.

What is the user journey 

A user journey (also known as a user journey map) depicts a user’s path through a product. The user journey encompasses not just the actions that a consumer performs, but also their sentiments, pain spots, and instances of joy. It’s a graphical portrayal of a person’s interaction with software and through several channels. The internet or an offline store are examples of channels for communicating or service delivery. 

In one channel (e.g., while purchasing a product from a site), the consumer may have a great experience, however a bad one in the other (i.e. the offline store when they want to exchange or return a product). We can detect holes in the UX by collecting data concerning channels.

A customer journey should encompass all aspects of a user’s involvement with a software whilst utilizing a software: 

Being Aware: They are aware of the problems they are facing. 

Search: they’re looking for a program to help them address their difficulty. 

Download: Downloading the application 

Installation: Registration and enrolling with the software are the first steps in the installation. 

Usage: Making use of the program 

Assistance: When you’re confused with an application, you can seek assistance. 

Feedback: When people have feedback regarding a software, they should submit a review.

User journey map: What is it

A user journey map depicts the steps a consumer performs to reach a goal when interacting with a product or service. User journey maps let product teams see the whole process from the consumer’s point of view, providing crucial data that helps them enhance the UX in the best way for their clients.

What is the user flow

User flow, as the name implies, visually displays the route or steps a user takes to explore a website or an app to fulfill a given set of activities or goals, which might range from purchasing a product to signing up. For example, when a user views a website’s homepage and navigates to the checkout page, the visitor takes several steps in between. 

You can learn more about what a user flow is and how to create it from our article: “How to Create a User Flow”

User journey: main goals

The user journey is a crucial step in UX design, it simplifies the whole process and makes it easier for designers to create a more intuitive and user-friendly product design. It has specified objectives that improve the user experience and help product managers drastically by identifying the problems the user may face. The main goals of user journey are:

  • Finding the source of a problem: By putting yourself in your client’s position, you may discover challenges that you may have been previously unaware of. 
  • Discovering the chance to delight your customers: On the other hand, you may look for methods to provide exceptional service for your consumers and please them.
  • Promoting a customer-focused mentality: Your teams will be more motivated to produce customer-focused products if you focus on their emotions and motivations. 
  • Developing a clear roadmap: User journey maps give you an amazing approach to ensure that everyone understands who they’re working for and what’s essential to them. 
  • Promoting your goods: The best product managers advise that we include marketing along with designing in our goods from the start. User journey maps may be beneficial to both you and your marketing staff.
what is user journey map

Importance of User journey

A UX designer’s major goal is to build products that are easy to use, practical, and pleasant. By designing a user journey map, you’re giving a thought to a product from the perspective of a prospective buyer. This can be beneficial in a variety of ways. 

  • A Consumer-centric mindset is fostered via customer journey maps. You’ll consider how a user could perceive things when using the technology, along with the objectives they’re aiming to accomplish and the challenges they might encounter along the way. 
  • Customer journey maps help your firm develop a cohesive vision. Across the whole product development cycle, this visualization may be used as a basis for comparison for various teammates. Designing UX promotes cooperation and teamwork, ensuring that everybody’s aims and visualizations are in sync. Journey maps are great for conveying accurate data and fostering a common vision
  • Addressing the flaws in the customer journey. Journey mapping allows you to take a step back and look at the complete user journey experience from a fresh perspective. You can now notice the weakest points and gaps that you couldn’t see previously. 
  • It will also help you understand the problems your end users are having with your application. These points are generally displayed on user maps as ‘dips’ in the route representation, allowing you to detect potentially problematic regions and tie them to other critical periods in the journey. This also allows you to construct a list of the necessary improvements.

User journey vs user flow: Main differences

The following are the distinctions between them: 

The difference in analysis: User flow highlights the micro-level and displays the individual steps consumers take to achieve the intended goal, whereas a user journey provides a bird’s eye perspective of the user or customer interactions with your organization from beginning to end.

Main focus: User journeys are considerably more concerned with the sentiments and emotions of the customers, whereas user flow is more concerned with the technicalities.; 

Goals: A user journey is a visual representation of your customers’ whole experience, including points of contact and media. A user flow is just a bird’s eye perspective of a user’s interaction with software at a particular point in a bigger journey.

How to create a User journey

When constructing a user trip, there are several prerequisites that must be met, and you must be aware of these needs in order to create an effective user journey. To develop your user experience, you’ll need to keep in mind a few components that designers employ all the time. The following are the components:

  • User persona: User persona is a description of your ideal or target client, user personas are made to understand the goals of your client and help you think from their perspective. 
  • Touchpoints: Touchpoints are points of contact where the user engages or interacts with your software.
  • Emotions of the user: The thoughts and feelings of your user in regards to your products along with the pain points.
  • Review your goals as a business/organization: As an organization, it is important for you to define your goals. You should know what you want as a business and what benefits are your clients getting so that you both are benefited mutually. You must also be aware of the outcome that you expect from it all.
  • You should also know what exactly is it that you are trying to design a user journey map for.

Stages of creating a user journey

Visualizations or graphical representations of how a user could engage with a product are called user journey maps. It records not just the user’s interactions with the program, but also their sensations and emotions while using the product. It’s rather simple to create a user journey map if you keep a few things in mind. We’ve put together a seven-step guide to help you create user journey maps like an expert.

The 7 steps to creating an awesome user journey map

  1. Identify what you are trying to do: First, figure out what you’re attempting to accomplish with your map. Whether you’re attempting to construct a bird’s eye perspective of the user’s interactions with all of your product’s features or concentrating on a particular feature. For example, you may design a user journey to learn about a user’s activities on an e-commerce site from login to checkout, or you can observe a user browsing a men’s sector t-shirt. At the end of the day, your user journey must be aligned with your company’s purpose.
  1. Make User Personas: Your users are people, and no two persons are identical, thus their needs and desires differ. Determine who your target audience is, and then do user research by developing surveys, conducting interviews, or utilizing data from past comments. Create user personas based on the information gathered.
  1. Identify your consumers’ objectives, pain points, and expectations: Comprehend what your consumers expect from your solution and the issues they encounter when using it. To offer what consumers desire, you must first understand their expectations.
  1. Keep a note of all the different points of contact and channels: A “Touchpoint” is the point at which users engage with a product. You must maintain track of the many touchpoints that are scattered over several channels, such as social media ads, word of mouth, and so on.
  1. Draft a journey: Now that you’ve gathered all of the information you’ll need to create a user journey, you can visualize it all by drawing a diagram. You may do it the old-fashioned way with pen and paper or a whiteboard, or you can do it the current way using UX tools like Figma, Adobe xd, UXpressia, or smaply, which allow you to map user journeys quickly and efficiently. You may also interact as a team with these tools; generally, these tools are quite strong and provide you an advantage when building user experiences. You may also design a storyline of how a user will interact with your product, which will make things much simpler for you.
  1. Take your users’ emotions and feelings into account: While using your product, the consumer will experience many emotions, which will decide whether or not your product is satisfactory. You’ll learn what makes your customers happy and what makes them angry. This will allow you to make your design more user-friendly.
  1. Validate and refine: You’ll need to test your travel map in the real world to make sure it works. Even if you’re sure in the quality of your travel map, it must be confirmed. Analytical tools may be used to assess the usability of your map, determining if it is useable in real life.
how to create a user journey

What to look for when creating a user journey

The user journey should be centered on your customer in the conclusion, and it should include data that helps you understand your clients better. The ability to better understand your customers will enable you to create items that are more suitable for them. When creating a user journey map, there are three primary elements to keep in mind that will determine whether or not your map is effective.

  • User Personas
  • Scenario for which you want to create a user journey map
  • Touchpoints

How to improve the user journey

Journey maps must be efficient and effective. As a consequence, emphasizing data collection has shown to be one of the most effective ways to construct a successful user journey. Examine the user’s motivation (what are they trying to accomplish?) and common pain points (what obstacles are they encountering while interacting). It is critical to consider the channels (where does the engagement take place?). You must ensure that the customer receives the same level of service across all channels. 

Gather all of your information and create an engagement route for each level. Each stage portrays a persona’s emotional reaction to an offering as well as their engagement with it.

Tips for creating a user journey

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing user experiences; you may be as innovative as you want, and experimenting with various approaches may be beneficial. While planning your travel, try to come up with new ideas. It doesn’t have to be a dull design; do anything you believe would make the travel map better. 

Your user journey maps will be seen by a lot of people, including individuals you may have to show to, so make sure the designs you create are appealing. You might acquire ideas by looking at recent design trends in the UX market.

Make sure that your user research is excellent because that is the basis of your user journey map and if that is flawed, your whole project will be left useless. 


After studying this user journey vs. user flow analysis, you’ll understand where to apply these strategies during product development. You’ll need to include user flows and user journeys in your toolset if you want to build a superb user experience. Recognize that creating a terrific user experience from the start is challenging (if not unachievable). You’ll have to try a few various approaches before settling on one that works best for your customers. However, one thing is certain: user journeys and user flows can help you establish a solid foundation for your testing, resulting in a beautiful UX. If you need any kind of help while creating a user journey, feel free to write to us, we would love to help you. You can fill out the feedback form and our experts would get back to you.


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