Market Research for Startup

Market analysis assists businesses in locating clients for the company. Studying the competitors may assist you in making your company stand out. This essay will explain how market analysis is crucial as well as what it entails. We’ll give pointers on how to get the best return from data analysis with the least amount of time and energy. Let’s begin with the fundamentals.

What is market research

Analysing the market is the process of proactively surveying prospective customers to establish the viability of a new offering. 

Market analysis allows a company to determine its potential customers and gather feedback as well as other information from clients concerning their enthusiasm regarding an offering. 

Market analysis can be conducted by firms or businesses by themselves, or it can be delegated to external companies with relevant expertise.

market research definition

Goals of marketing research

It is difficult to comprehend a firm’s clients without conducting research or experimentation. Certainly, you may well have a broad sense of your customers are and you would understand what they require, however if you really want to earn their devotion, you must go above and beyond. 

Typically, a market analysis or study has three main sorts of aims. 

Managerial: Facilitate the development of a firm or corporation by effective planning, organisation, and management of resources (Human or other), and so answer the special market demands at the correct moment. 

Social: Meet a customer’s unique demands by providing a necessary service or product. Whenever a product or service is used, it must meet the needs and wants of the consumer. 

Economical: Evaluate the financial success or failure a firm can have when entering a foreign market or launching new products or services, offering clarity to every decision being made.

Value of market research

Market analysis may greatly assist any promotional plan by providing vital knowledge and insight to a firm. It might help you gain a better knowledge of your customers and competition. Studying the market can assist you in identifying who is purchasing your product or service, who’s not, how they are persuaded for the same, and if they are committed to your brand – all of it will lead to more business for your firm.  

The following are some of the factors which make market research crucial, we would also understand why analysis of the market is essential for apps to lead.

Valuable knowledge: It gives useful insights and prospects concerning the importance of current and planned products, allowing organizations to develop plans and strategize accordingly. 

Consumer-focused: It aids in determining what clients need and desire. Marketing is centered on the client, therefore knowing the buyers and their demands can assist firms in designing products or services that perfectly match them. 

market research goals

Projections: By knowing client wants, organizations can anticipate their production and distribution. Market analysis also aids in identifying the best stock levels to keep on hand. 

Competitive Advantage: To stay ahead of the competition, market analysis is an essential instrument for conducting meaningful comparisons. Companies can develop business strategies to have an edge over their rivals. 

Quickly Identifying Growth Potential: After surveying the market, you’ll know the people you have to reach out to (your target consumers), how to contact them (your promotional channels), and what are they passionate about.

Mitigate Uncertainties and Risks: Having a consistent flow of sales and clients is indeed the best approach to guarantee that your app thrives for a prolonged period of time. This necessitates a market survey. A typical market analysis will allow you to get an understanding of existing and prospective clients to verify that you are still serving their demands.

Marketing research stages for mobile applications

Market analysis assists you in determining exactly what it is that your buyers desire from you. You’d be able to come up with viable solutions for your app after you understand the expectations of your consumers. 

Learning the proper research methodology, instead of What to Investigate, is by far the most important aspect of the research process in mobile application development. A  product market analysis must include these key elements: primary consumers, competition, and the willingness of the customers to pay for it.  

To build a solid commercial basis and maintain a competitive edge, one must do the most comprehensive market and competitor research feasible.

Primary and secondary marketing research

Primary and secondary research is conducted throughout the market analysis process for mobile application development. 

  1. Primary research is the gathering of first-hand knowledge concerning the marketplace and the clients that make up your market. This is a study that you conduct on your own. It’s excellent for segregating your market and creating a customer profile. 

Primary research examples include: 

  • Interviews (by phone or in person) 
  • Questionnaires   
  • Surveys  
  • Focus groups
  • Visits to rivals’ sites
  1. Secondary research refers to all of the facts and publicly available information that you have at hand to make inferences from (e.g. trend reports, market statistics, industry content, and sales data you already have on your business). This is information that has already been obtained by a third party. Secondary research is very helpful when assessing your competition. This might be research findings or financial records published by firms. 

As an example: 

  • Reports on trends 
  • Statistics from the market 
  • Industry sales data you already have on file for your company

What types of marketing research is right for you?

You can mix the two strategies to create a very successful market analysis plan. We recommend that you conduct secondary research like a preparation to conducting primary research. 

Why do we think this is a good idea? External information gives you a comprehensive picture of your study topic and assists you in identifying overarching impacts and patterns. It’s similar to a birds-eye perspective that offers you a basic picture of the area you’re working in and highlights notable features. The knowledge may guide you in directions you had not initially thought of.

marketing research stages

Stages of marketing research

Marketing studies should be conducted fairly and accurately in order to produce reliable data that portrays the genuine condition of circumstances. 

The steps in the Marketing analysis are as follows: 

Step 1: Identifying the Issue 

Start with the issue. What issue are you attempting to resolve? Define the problem and research goals. Before you create a smartphone application, you must first conduct a market study to discover what’s already available. 

The initial stage in any market analysis is to identify the challenge whilst keeping in mind the study’s goal, important background knowledge, what data is required, and how it would be utilized in making a decision.

Step 2: Create a Solution to the Problem 

The second step entails developing an aim or theoretical framework, analytical approaches, questionnaires, assumptions, and identifying features or elements that may impact the research methodology. 

Step 3: Create a Research Design 

A research design is a plan or structure for carrying out a marketing study. It describes the techniques for gathering the critical data, and its goal is to construct an investigation that will test the assumptions of interest, identify potential solutions to the survey questions, and offer the knowledge required for making decisions. 

Step 4: Surveying or data collection

Field research, also referred to as data gathering, entails a field team or workforce that functions in the field, as in the context of individual questioning (focus group, mall intercept, or computer-assisted personal interviewing), from an office telephonically, or via e-mail. Appropriate field team selection, orientation, monitoring, and assessment helps to reduce data-collection mistakes.

Step 5: Preparation and Analysis of Data 

Data analysis is the act of analyzing, filtering, interpreting, and modeling data in order to highlight useful information, offer findings and aid strategic planning. Data analysis includes several dimensions and methodologies, spanning a variety of methodologies known by many titles in various business, scientific, and social science sectors. 

Step 6: Preparation of reports and presentations

The complete project must be documented formally when reports & presentations are prepared, which identifies the specific research topics recognized; describes the methodology, research design, information gathering, and data analysis techniques used; and presents the results and conclusions. The findings must be presented in an understandable way so that they may be easily utilized in making decisions.

What marketing research is needed to create mobile applications

Do you have a mobile app concept but don’t understand where to begin? Initially, you should research the industry to discover if your mobile application is a practical idea. 

market research target audience

Below is an overview of how to perform market research, which covers the following steps: 

  • Identifying the core target audience: Just as you must be modest while appraising the marketplace and your rivals, you should be modest while determining your target audience. That is why you should create customer personas. After extensively researching your core audience, divide them into several reality-based imaginary characters that characterize your ideal consumer. Each one must be typical in terms of age, employment, interests, pain spots, and so on. This app product target grouping interacts with your application’s real UX.
  • Analysing the competition: You may well have a great concept for a smartphone app, but you should still know who your rivals are, what they’ve been up to, and what strategies have been successful for them. The investigation findings will assist you in gaining that competitive advantage by incorporating creative features into your app, combining usability elements, and keeping fresh and unique. 
  • Presenting to investors: Receive comments and recommendations from actual investors. Their advice will assist you in creating a business strategy for your application.
  • Setting your pitch: After that, you’ll have to create your pitch. You may precisely clarify what your application concept is about here—use intriguing prose that draws the reader’s attention. You may attempt to keep your speech brief and include a hyperlink to your homepage. So, if somebody is willing to write about your app, they will obtain all of the data they require. 
  • Creating a business strategy: A well-thought-out business strategy is the driving force behind such a thriving mobile app! A business strategy is a blueprint that incorporates information such as sales, earnings, marketplace, and profitability. Remember to make the plan succinct so that your stakeholders are not perplexed.

How to properly conduct marketing research to create a mobile application

Following on from the last segment’s concerns, you’ll want to clarify a few additional points before you begin. 

Create a budget: You wouldn’t require significant capital, but you must always be aware of where and how you allocate your funds. 

Speak with people from all aspects of your potential consumers’ businesses: If you want to verify a concept or find the next issue to address, observe the most significant difficulties your target consumer is going to face, problems that they would want to be solved even if they have to pay for it. 

Educate your team: If you have a group, ensure that each one is on board and that everyone understands their involvement in any market study.

mobile app marketing strategy

Make it as simple as possible: This may sound obvious, but you would be astonished to see how many complicated feedback forms are circulating everywhere. Trying to make it as straightforward as possible for people to respond to your questionnaire will have a significant impact on the number of responses. 

Make a plan for the next steps: You would like to capitalize on market research as soon as possible, rather than several months afterward because customer insights might change. Establish how and when you would utilize this data, and then utilize it as soon as possible.


Not every strategy will be appropriate for your circumstance or company. Spend more time exploring each option after you’ve gone through the list and found a few that pique your interest. When you have answers to all these questions, you will indeed be able to conduct one of the best studies for your mobile app and make your app a success. You should think about what you really want to accomplish, what data you’ll require, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, the expenses of performing the study, and the costs of interpreting the results. 

Already have some results of market research? Contact our business analysts to get a free recommendations on how to market your startup application and engage first 1000 users in 3 week.


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